Thunhisgala | Knuckles Mountain Range

Travel Aug 26, 2022

Thunhisgala is the sixth highest of the Knuckles Mountains’ 34 peaks. 1617 meters above sea level is the elevation. It is located in the heart of the Knuckles-Kalupahana area, which was covered by cardamom estates 30 years ago.Because it rises in the middle of the mountain on three sides, the name ‘Thunhisgala’ is derived from ‘Thunhisa’ (three peaks). It is also known as Thunthisgala since it is surrounded by 33 mountains.

Thunhisgala is not a well-known tourist destination in Sri Lanka, although it is well-known among mountaineers. This mountain range separates the districts of Kandy and Matale.

It is currently one of the most difficult mountains to climb in Sri Lanka. Only a few climbers are fortunate enough to gain a clear view of the peak due to the prevalent hazy conditions. Regardless of which route you take, the top of the hill is only about 10 kilometers away.

Dwarf trees grow at the summit of Thunhisgala. It’s because of the wind at the mountain’s peak. You can safely travel through those miniature trees to where the mountain’s three heads meet. There are still unexplored areas on this mountain, and the destinations are incredibly tough and perilous.

You must also climb this mountain to avoid perils such as mauza bushes and wasp caverns. This mountain becomes fascinating when surrounded by fog. Meemure and Lebanon Estate are the closest villages to Mount Thunhisgala.

How to visit Thunhisgala

There are three way to visit Thunhisgala

  • Babarella-Lebanon Estate-Rathnagiriya-Thunhisgala
  • Riverstone-Atanwala-Duwili Ella-Thunhisgala
  • Meemure-Thunhisgala

Most of hikers using Babarella Route for visit this beautiful mountain.

Places near to visit Thunhisgala

  • KMP wadiya
  • Rathnagiriya
  • Lebanan Falls
  • Duwili Falls
  • Dumbara Falls
  • Infinity Pool
  • Rahana ketu pathana

and more places are in there near the Thunhisgala.


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