Little Hummingbird Drops By Lady’s Workshop for a Helping Hand

Animals & Nature Oct 27, 2023

One day, while Chloe Barcelou was busy working in her New England studio, she suddenly realized that she had some company. As she glanced around the studio, she noticed a tiny green hummingbird, no larger than her palm, and it seemed pretty agitated as it perched beside her.

Chloe was convinced that the little bird had sought her out for help. Although she had seen hummingbirds flitting around in the nearby gardens before, this was her first-ever close encounter with one. She was utterly mesmerized by the bird’s beauty but couldn’t shake the curiosity about why this particular bird was all by itself.

Image Credit & More Info; chloebarcelou/Instagram
Image Credit & More Info; chloebarcelou/Instagram

“I was taken aback to find him in our workshop, and honestly, I felt a bit concerned because it was clear he was in a bit of a fix,” she explained. The little guy was in desperate need of some help. So, Chloe and her boyfriend whipped up a mix of sugar and water, and they gently fed it to the hummingbird with a spoon. The bird eagerly sipped up the concoction and seemed to quite like it. After just two minutes, the hummingbird started to slowly open its eyes, clearly regaining its strength.

Image Credit & More Info; chloebarcelou/Instagram

After the bird had its fill and its appetite was satisfied, it gracefully took flight and returned to its natural habitat. Chloe felt relieved that she could help the little creature find its way back. She couldn’t help but be excited about this up-close experience with a hummingbird. She described it as though it looked just like a tiny fairy!

Image Credit & More Info; chloebarcelou/Instagram

The very next day, Chloe spotted the same hummingbird flitting about her house, almost as if it had dropped by to express its gratitude for the help it received when it was in a jam. Chloe found it quite fitting, saying, “It just felt right that it would return to say thank you!” It’s heartwarming to think that Chloe’s quick action had saved the little bird’s life. Scroll down to check out the photos and video capturing the entire incident.