“Cat’s Love Affair with Heater: Beat the Chill in Style!”

Animals & Nature Oct 27, 2023

So, up in the northern hemisphere, it’s famous for being an icebox, where even your hot tea decides to go all frosty. People go to great lengths, wrapping themselves up in layers and cranking those heaters, just to avoid becoming human popsicles. And you won’t believe the inventive ways they come up with to stay warm and cozy.

Now, when Japan gets hit with a serious snowstorm, you’d think it’s perfect snowman-making weather, right? Well, sure, but it’s also a big deep freeze! And guess what? It’s not just humans who are shivering; even our furry pals get the chills. Take Ryuji Tan, who shares his Tokyo pad with Busao, a cat who’s got a massive crush on the home heater because, well, it’s freezing outside. “Japan’s basically an icebox right now!” Busao’s owner tells it. “All he wants is to stay toasty,” he says.

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Image Credit & More Info; Facebook | tanryug/Instagram | Youtube
Image Credit & More Info; Facebook | tanryug/Instagram | Youtube

So, Ryuji decided to share some pics of Busao getting cozy with the heater, and you can totally see how inseparable these two are. Busao used to be a street-smart kitty in Ibaraki until Ryuji came to the rescue. Nowadays, Ryuji’s cat is a global internet sensation, with fans from all over the world. But here’s the kicker – all the fame doesn’t phase Busao one bit. He’s got his heart set on the heater, and you’ll find him cuddled up next to it all day long.

Image Credit & More Info; Facebook | tanryug/Instagram | Youtube
Image Credit & More Info; Facebook | tanryug/Instagram | Youtube

I’m never, ever parting ways with this heater.

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You’re my forever cuddle buddy.

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I’m pretty sure I’ve met my soulmate.

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Whoever said true love doesn’t exist is just plain wrong.

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I promise, heater, I’m sticking by your side, because, well, I’m head over heels for you, and this cold weather doesn’t stand a chance.

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There’s not much to see here except a cat that’s basically glued to the heater.

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Your warmth gives me the warm fuzzies, and I could happily stare at your cozy glow all day long.

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My all-time favorite thing? Chilling right next to the heater.

Image Credit & More Info; Facebook | tanryug/Instagram | Youtube

Image Credit & More Info; Facebook | tanryug/Instagram | Youtube