Mind-Blowing Pics: Crow Hitching a Ride on an Eagle’s Back, Snapped by an Epic Photographer

Animals & Nature Oct 30, 2023

The animal kingdom is like a never-ending source of amazement, always throwing unexpected surprises at us. You won’t believe what I’m about to tell you!

Image Credit & More Info; Phoo Chan | facebook | 500px | twitter | flickr
Image Credit & More Info; Phoo Chan | facebook | 500px | twitter | flickr

So, there’s this super talented photographer named Phoo Chan, who’s made a name for himself in the photography world. He’s managed to capture some mind-blowing shots of a crow hitching a ride on the back of a soaring bald eagle. It’s a jaw-dropping sight, and it’s the star of our show today.

Image Credit & More Info; Phoo Chan | facebook | 500px | twitter | flickr
Image Credit & More Info; Phoo Chan | facebook | 500px | twitter | flickr

Phoo Chan, our photo ninja, calls California home, and he’s got the inside scoop. He says, “Crows usually have this tough-guy reputation when it comes to bigger birds stepping into their turf. But here’s the kicker: in these pics, the crow’s just chilling on the eagle’s back, and the eagle’s like, ‘Yeah, buddy, feel free to invade my personal space!'”

Image Credit & More Info; Phoo Chan | facebook | 500px | twitter | flickr

It’s a whole new level of crazy, right?

Image Credit & More Info; Phoo Chan | facebook | 500px | twitter | flickr