A man has adopted a bear cub in order to rescue its life, as the cub had ventured into a village.

Animals & Nature Oct 28, 2023

Once in a while, life sends something unexpected our way, and this pleasant surprise could even come in the form of a bear cub. A hungry bear cub recently visited the Borisovsky region, Belarus village. The poor creature was starving and went into the town, hoping to find food to fill its tiny belly. Fortunately for the bear cub, a kindhearted farmer appeared as a savior.

Little did this human know that he would end up being the owner of a pet bear. Nikolay Vasilyevich Terletsky owns a farm in the Borisovsky region. This individual took pity on the malnourished bear cub and decided to provide the creature with a home since the cub was too young to be taken to a zoo and survive in the wild.

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Image Credit & More Info: Planetabelarus.by | Instagram | Facebook

It is rare to come across brown bears in Belarus, and they are a species facing extinction. They have also been listed as threatened in the Red Book.

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Since Nikolay was aware of this fact, he contacted the authorities. He was given only two options: either return it to the wild or put it to sleep. Nikolay did not want to pick either of the two options and decided to care for the poor creature and give the cub a home.

Image Credit & More Info: Planetabelarus.by | Instagram | Facebook

There was also no sign of the cub’s mother, though huntsmen explored the nearby forests for two days straight.

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The cub was kept on the farm legally because Nikolay was concerned about the creature fending for itself alone in the forest.

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The bear cub was named Vasilisa, and an expert committee issued a passport for the animal.

Image Credit & More Info: Planetabelarus.by | Instagram | Facebook

Vasilisa is now thriving in the new environment surrounded by humans who love the cub unconditionally.

The cub is as playful as ever and has transformed from a malnourished cub to a healthy one. Nikolay also has plans to construct a massive enclosure for Vasilisa that includes an observation area.

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