A black spotted horse, a pony, and a dog became friends and now live together

Animals & Nature Oct 31, 2023

Introducing this incredible trio, all sporting remarkably similar spotted fur coats despite belonging to different species. The group comprises a horse, a pony, and a dog, each varying in size.

What’s truly remarkable is the strong bond they share, as they love spending time with Greetje Arends-Hakvoort’s family. Greetje is the proud owner of an appaloosa stallion named Nevada, a Shetland pony named Napoleon, and a Dalmatian dog named Jack Sparrow.

Frequent visitors to the animals include Greetje and her seven-year-old daughter, Jolie, who thoroughly enjoys riding her Shetland pony.

Allow me to introduce the members of this charming crew. The stallion goes by the name Nevada, the pony is Napoleon, and the Dalmatian answers to Jack Sparrow. Nevada’s coat features a mix of brown, black, and white spots, while both Jack and Napoleon sport the classic black and white spotted pattern.

In Greetje’s words, “I’ve always dreamt of having a Dalmatian dog, and I’m a huge fan of spotted horses, so having both in my life is like a dream come true.”

What’s even more heartwarming is the reaction of onlookers when they see these three pals together, often evoking memories of the beloved 101 Dalmatians film, bringing a sense of nostalgic joy to their faces.

Napoleon and Jolie share a unique bond, as they’ve grown up alongside one another, solidifying their friendship.

Jack, the Dalmatian, has seamlessly integrated into the group, providing the horses with trust, security, and confidence. This harmonious relationship between them is truly heartwarming.

There’s an abundance of affection between the horses and the dog, and the family’s animal-loving spirit is growing even further with the addition of three more horses to train. An exciting journey awaits!

Image Credit & More Info; greetjehakvoort/instagram | humanhorseacademy.com | minhdanvufotografie | minhdanvu.com | Juliette fotografie | juliettefotografie.nl