The Heartwarming Tale of a Rescued Cow Doll

Creative & Inspiring Oct 16, 2023

(Feb. 26) A Facebook account user named Aaron Mueller from Washington, Missouri, United States. Post a cute story after finding a little cow doll that had been abandoned on the side of the road. But he took care of it. It’s as if he were alive. until it made social media melt. I love the cuteness that if we encounter an abandoned animal like this, You should help the younger ones.

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Source: | Aaron Mueller

The post’s owner wrote:

“Darby and I are seriously overwhelmed at the outpouring of love and desire about her quest to get home. We are working diligently to to filter through as many posts and shares as we can to find her humans. We thank you from the depths of our hearts. Today feels like the day we get some good news!

I have officially rescued my first lost animal while out on a route. She was probably enjoying some unseasonably warm weather with a loved one and lost her grip and wound up in a bad spot. I was lucky to find her safe and unharmed. Maybe just a little dirty. I brought her home, cleaned her up(notice the mini moo-hawk during bath time) and now need to hopefully get her back to her loved ones. If anyone near New Haven/Berger recognizes her, I found her off of Zero Rd. near 100.”

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The story became viral after the man shared it. The post owner also stated that whoever owns it can come and get it back until netizens start commenting on their love. However, some may consider it to be content creation. However, by sharing such experiences, it has made many people happy.